Eight tests were run by a team of researchers before local police were called to stop them.
…every single time, the Tesla stopped at the stop sign on the corner, cruised past the “do not enter” and “road closed” signs on Calle Rosales, and sailed past the bus with its stop sign extended and blinking. On none of the eight passes did the car stop for the bus or potential students.
[And then] one resident had apparently had enough. She told O’Dowd’s crew to leave, and shortly after, about five Sheriff’s deputies arrived to escort everyone away.
Interesting that the latest release of “driverless” software totally ignores “do not enter” and “road closed” signs.
Also, note the thick irony of a resident calling police to remove a Tesla from the neighborhood when it’s being tested for safety… a fascinating result of the tests. Perhaps it sets a precedent for all neighborhoods to call police when they see any Tesla, since they’re all and always in test mode.
Davi, new crashes every day! Maybe I can comment when new ones appear, because they are daily.